Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety)

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On July 1, 2019, new rules came into effect through Rowan’s Law, to improve concussion safety in amateur competitive sport.  The Law applies to Masters Swimming Ontario because our membership includes swimmers under 26 years of age.

If you are a swimmer under 26 years of age[1], a coach, team trainer or official you must complete a confirmation that you have reviewed Concussion Awareness Resources available on the Government of Ontario’s website.  The law requires this confirmation to be collected ANNUALLY and PRIOR to registering / participating in MSO activities.

The Ministry resources include a list of common signs and symptoms of a concussion. It also provides access to a booklet for you to review.

MSO recommends that coaches, trainers and officials also refer to the more detailed concussion management material published by Swim Canada and the more detailed resources provided by Parachute Canada (UPDATED MARCH 2024).

While this law requires action by some, MSO encourages all members to increase their concussion awareness by reviewing available resources.


Club Responsibilities – ANNUALLY

 Clubs must collect signed confirmations from each swimmer under the age of 26 years and coaches.  The law requires this confirmation to be collected ANNUALLY and PRIOR to registration or participation.

The signed forms are to be kept on file at the club.  The form may be incorporated into online registration systems[2] provided that the swimmer is provided the link to resource materials in advance and has an opportunity to review them.

The Club must submit, to the MSO Registrar, a signed Club Declaration confirming that the collection of signed confirmations has been incorporated into the club’s registration processes.  The Club Declaration may be submitted via a Google Form by the club president or an authorized club representative.

Swimmer Confirmation Form
Coach/Trainer Confirmation Form


Meet Manager Responsibilities

 A) Part of Meet Sanctioning Process

 Officials may provide services to more than one club. A meet manager seeking a MSO sanction for an event, must request a signed confirmation from the level VI and level V official(s) running their event.  The confirmation is to be submitted with the draft meet package.

Officials Confirmation Form


B) Meet Entry Process

A reference to Rowan’s Law is to be added to all meet packages. It is the meet manager’s responsibility to ensure that Single Event Registrants under the age of 26 years comply with the legislation.  The Swimmer Confirmation has been built into the waivers on the MSO meet entry system. Any under-26 year old swimmers not registering online must submit a Confirmation Form with their meet entry. These forms are to be submitted to the MSO Registrar upon receipt.

The Meet paper entry forms and meet package templates on the MSO website have been updated.


[1] Note that the age limit refers to the Date of Birth and not the swimmer’s age category.

[2] In addition to the Liability Waiver and PIEPDA consent forms


LIST of Resources noted in this document.

  1. Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resources
  2. Government of Ontario reader friendly booklet
  3. Swim Canada Concussion management summary and references
  4. Parachute Canada Concussion Guidelines – highly recommended for coaches and officials  UPDATED MARCH 2024
  5. Club Declaration 
  6. Swimmer Confirmation Form 
  7. Coach/Trainer Confirmation Form
  8. Officials Confirmation Form